You may know a game like this, and that is because I based this game after another game. This is how to play: get 5 (or more) players, make them close there eyes (or you can play in the dark). You must choose 1 host out of the 5 players.
Everyone else's eyes will be closed while the host goes around and whispers (so no one else can hear) in 1 persons ear, "You are the healer." In a different person's ear the host says, "You are the murderer." In a different persons ear the host says," You are the detective." To everyone else, the host says, "You are innocent." If there are more than 5 people make 3 people the special rolls, and everyone else innocent.
The host will say, "Only the murderer, open your eyes. Who do you want to kill?" The murderer will point to the person. Then the host says, "Healer, open your eyes. Who do you want to heal?" The healer points to someone. Then the host says, "Detective, open your eyes. Who is the murderer?" The detective will point to someone. The special people can't say who they picked out loud, they can only point, they can't touch them either.
Whoever the murderer picked is out, unless the healer chose them. If the detective chose the murderer, the murderer is out. Then the people who are in will start a new round until 2 people are left. The 2 people will do rock- paper- scissors to see who will win.