You can play this game with 2 to 1,000,000,000 players. I'm going to teach you some fun new ways to have Water Fun!
The first way is: If you ever get board of jumping over the sprinklers, hang it upside down on a tree and the experience is way different.
Another way is: If you have a playground in your backyard with a slide you can put a hose on the bar above the slide to turn it into a water slide.
The next way is: You can play jump rope with a hose that shoots a thin line a water. One person holds the hose and swings it around the other person like the hose was the rope.
My favorite way is: Go wild a spray each other with the hose on mist!
The last way is: Water balloons are hard to blow up and are not reusable; use Zip Lock bags instead! Those are some fun new ways to have Water Fun.