You can play this game with 1 to 1,000,000,000. Please be careful and wear a helmet while doing these games.
Here's one obstacle Course: Make a long curvy line with chalk and see who can stay on it with their bike.
This next one could get you and your bike dirty. Make a straight line with chalk and put eggs on either side of the line. See who can go through that obstacle course without cracking a single egg.
Another fun one is: Make a start and finish line. The last person to go over the finish line with their bike wins! In this you have to be the slowest, which can be really hard if you don't want to fall over.
This one is fun, too! Make some short obstacle courses, like, go around 6 cones in a zig zag, up a ramp, over a cone, and around a garbage can.
This last one isn't really an obstacle course, but it would be fun. Make a contest for the best decorated bike! Make sure you tell them about the contest in advance. Those are some Fun Bicycle Obstacle Courses!