With Duck - Duck - Goose, you need at least 4 - 7 people to play. First, choose someone to be the goose, and then everyone else sits in a circle, and then the goose walks around, tapping each person on the head, and saying, “Duck” every time he or she touches a head. Now, the goose gets to walk around, and while he or she does that, they need to decide who to make the next goose, then when they make up their mind, they walk around to that person and say, “Goose.” That person has to run around the circle and chase the goose, and if the person tags the goose, then they get to sit back down in their spot and the goose has to walk around the circle again. But if while the goose is running and they reach the spot in the circle of the person who is chasing, then the goose can sit down in that spot, and then the person who was chasing the goose is the goose now, and it starts over again.
Duck - Duck - Goose
Updated: Jun 8, 2023